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All translations - jairhaas

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Source language
Latin Si autem dixerimus praecedentes ...
Si autem dixerimus praecedentes legales, & hos historicos esse, obijcietur etiam praecedentes magnam temporum historiam continere.

Completed translations
English So, if we considered that the ...
Source language
Danish Jeg hører fødder, som går. Det er fra børn, som...
Jeg hører fødder, som går.
Det er fra børn,
som ikke har en favn at sidde i.

Completed translations
French J'entends des pieds qui marchent. ....
English I hear feet that walk.They belong to ...
Source language
German Danke, wegen der Arbeit melde ich mich bei dir ...
Danke, wegen der Arbeit melde ich mich bei dir am Donnerstag,

bis dann.

Completed translations
English Thank you. Because of my work I will ...
Source language
Danish Jeg har et stort handicap. Jeg taler hurtigere,...
Jeg har et stort handicap.
Jeg taler hurtigere,
end jeg tænker,
og det kan ofte være for sent.

Completed translations
French J'ai un grand handicap. Je parle plus vite que je......
English too late
Source language
Danish NÃ¥r de, der skulle komme, ikke kom, var det...
NÃ¥r de,
der skulle komme,
ikke kom,
var det fordi,
de ikke skulle være kommet.

Completed translations
French Quand ceux qui doivent venir, ne viennent pas.....
English to come
Source language
Danish Send ondskaben dertil, hvor den kommer fra, og kom...
Send ondskaben dertil,
hvor den kommer fra,
og kom aldrig tilbage med den igen.

Completed translations
French Renvoie la méchanceté d'où elle vient et ne reviens...
English evil
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Latin Large prophetia est denunciationis futuroru...
Large prophetia est denunciationis futuroru verbis, vel factis expressio figurativa, & sm hoc oe-s libri veteris testi pn-t dici, prophetales, vel continere prophetiam, quia figuras futuroru manifestat: oi-a na-q; q- sunt in veteri testo sunt q-dam figura eorum, q- accidere debebant in nouo, sic patet prima ad Chor. ca. 10. O-ia in figura contigebant illis: speialiter , prophetia dr- denunciatio futuri verbo, vel facto p. hoi-e habere spum propheticum, & hoc mo- oe-s libri scripti a prophetis dum tn- ipsi, prophetice p-dixerint ea, q- ?-tinent in eis. s. praenunciando de futuris, dnr- libri prophetales, & sic libri Palmorum, & Danielis sunt prophetales, qm- denunciationes q-dam futuroru in eis sunt. specialissime au-t prophetia dr- denunciatio futuri, vel factis anthonomasice, & per viros prophetas, & isto mo- differt prophetia a Psalmis, & Daniele, quia illae non sunt denunciationes anthonomasice facte. Dn-t et qui hoc modo Iosue iudicium Samuel, & duo libri Regu- prophetales sunt, quia erant aviris, q. sunt anthonomasice prophetae.
The text is typed clearly, but the author abbreviates a lot and makes it very difficult to decipher the text. Whenever I have put a "-" after a letter, it is where the author put an abbreviation sign over that very letter.
I am willing to supply an image of the text if the translator so wishes.

Completed translations
English prophecy
Source language
Danish Se, hvor du sætter dine fødder. Så holder skoene...
Se, hvor du sætter dine fødder.
Så holder skoene længere.

Completed translations
French Regarde où tu mets tes pieds.....
English shoes
Source language
English Work hard play harder
Work hard play harder
for mann

Completed translations
Hebrew קשה
Source language
Danish NÃ¥r man har sagt forvel til livet, er det blot...
NÃ¥r man har sagt farvel til livet,
er det blot kaffen,
som smager af noget.

Completed translations
French Quand on a dit adieu à la vie......
English coffee
Source language
German Zitat über Liebe
Man kann lieben, ohne glücklich zu sein, man kann glücklich sein, ohne zu lieben. Aber lieben und dabei glücklich sein, das wäre ein Wunder.

Completed translations
Hebrew ציטוט לגבי החיים
Source language
English Bite the dust trust me, anything you can do I can...
Bite the dust trust me, anything you can do I can do better than you

Completed translations
Hebrew נשק את העפר.
Source language
English Every man has the right to decide ...
Every man has the right to decide about his own destiny

<edit>"every man gotta right to decide his own destiny" with "Every man has the right to decide about his own destiny", as this is the proper way it reads.</edit>

Completed translations
Hebrew כל אחד
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Spanish Lexicografía
Al plantearse la tarea de recoger todo el vocabulario de un idioma cualquiera surge inmediatamente toda una serie de problemas que exigen justa solución antes de incluir un vocablo en el catálogo general del idioma.

Completed translations
English vocabulary
Source language
Latin An liber Job computetur inter Prophetales; & quid...
An liber Iob computetur inter Prophetales; & quid requiritur ad esse librum prophetalem.

De libro Iob quibusdam inquirendum videbitur, quod inter prophetales locandus sit, nam libros prophetales dicemus, quod a prophetis conditoribus scriptitentur; de Job autem auctoritas hebraica tradit, quod Moyses illum scripterit; vere ergo prophetalis est. Cui respondendum est librum Iob inter prophetales non poni, quia non solum exigitur librum a propheta esse conscriptum, ut prophetalis appelletur; sed etiam ut amplam sortiatur auctoritatem.
The first two lines constitute the headline

Completed translations
English Considering if
Source language
Swedish nuförtiden har ingen tid
nuförtiden har ingen tid

Completed translations
English In these times, nobody has any time.
Source language
Latin Librum autem Iob etiam si a Moyse iuxta communem...
Librum autem Iob etiam si a Moyse iuxta communem traditionem scriptum asserverimus: tantae tamen nec apud Iudaeos nec apud Latinos auctoritatis est, ut inter prophetales locari merverit. Hoc autem Danielis liber monstrat. Ipse quippe a propheta conscriptus est, quod amplius est a propheta conditus fuit: inter prophetales taen nequaquam reperitur, sed inter agiographia sextum possidet locum; ut patet in prologo Galeato Beati Hieronymi super libros Regum.
Please relate to this as a continuation of my former request, beginning with the sentence "An liber Iob computetur inter Prophetales; & quid requiritur ad esse librum prophetalem".

Completed translations
English Indeed if we would assume
Source language
Latin Prophetia rerum eventus immobili veritate...
Prophetia rerum eventus immobili veritate prenuncias.
Where do I request that the translation be done by an expert only?

Completed translations
English Thanks to a prophecy you foretell the end of things in the immutable truth.
Source language
Portuguese brazilian Louvado seja Deus
Louvado seja Deus
é uma frase bíblica
traduzir também em ARAMAICO

"May God be praised!" <Lilian>

Completed translations
Hebrew השבח לאל
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